This or That Questions: #1 Best List for Friends

Ever wondered how well you really know your friends? This or That questions are a fun and easy way to put each other on the spot, spark debates, and even learn something new about the people you hang out with. They’re quick, sometimes tricky, and always entertaining.

Would you rather never watch movies again or never listen to music? Be rich and lonely or broke and surrounded by love? These kinds of questions make for hilarious discussions, unexpected answers, and maybe even a few arguments (the friendly kind, of course).

Perfect for game nights, road trips, or just killing time, this list of This or That questions for friends will get the conversation going. Pick a question, challenge your crew, and see who makes the toughest choices!

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This or That

Deep This or That Questions

1. Live in a world without music or a world without movies?

For some, music is the soundtrack of life, while others can’t imagine a world without the stories and visuals of cinema. Which one would be harder to let go of?

2. Have unlimited money but no free time or unlimited time but always be broke?

This question divides people. Some believe money solves everything, while others argue that time is the real currency of life.

3. Experience true love once but lose it or never experience love at all?

A classic dilemma. Is it better to have loved and lost or to never know what love feels like?

4. Be famous for something great but die young or live a long, ordinary life?

Some chase greatness, no matter the cost, while others prefer a quiet but fulfilling life. Which path is more appealing?

5. Be able to read minds or be invisible at will?

Knowing people’s thoughts could be powerful, but invisibility offers endless freedom. Which superpower would be more useful?

6. Only eat sweet food for the rest of your life or only eat salty food?

Sugar lovers might struggle without dessert, but salty food fans may never get over losing fries. Which one could you survive without?

7. Live in the past with everything you know now or see the future but never change it?

Some dream of fixing their past, while others would rather know what’s ahead, even if they can’t alter it. Which feels like a better deal?

8. Lose the ability to speak or the ability to write?

For those who love deep conversations, losing speech would be devastating. Writers, on the other hand, might find it unbearable to give up their words.

9. Be extremely rich but unhappy or be poor and truly happy?

Many claim happiness is more valuable than wealth, but would they feel the same if they were struggling every day?

10. Never be able to travel again or never be able to use the internet again?

In a digital age, giving up the internet might seem impossible, but would life feel dull without the ability to explore the world?

11. Have a rewind button for life or a pause button?

Some would love to undo their biggest mistakes, while others just need a break from the chaos. Which would be more useful?

12. Be the funniest person in the room or the smartest?

Making people laugh can open doors, but intelligence commands respect. Which would bring more success in life?

13. Live in a small town with a close-knit community or a big city with endless opportunities?

Some crave deep connections and familiarity, while others thrive in the hustle and anonymity of the city. Which lifestyle feels more like home?

14. Always have to tell the truth or always have to lie?

Honesty sounds great in theory, but never being able to lie could cause problems. Lying constantly would be exhausting, though. Which is the lesser evil?

15. Be able to fly or breathe underwater?

Flying offers ultimate freedom, while breathing underwater unlocks an unexplored world. Which adventure is more exciting?

16. Have no friends but a loving family or have amazing friends but no family?

Some believe friends can be family, while others feel nothing replaces blood ties. Which support system matters more?

17. Be stuck in a time loop of your best day or live every day differently but unpredictably?

Reliving a perfect day sounds tempting, but would it eventually get boring? On the other hand, an unpredictable life means constant excitement but also uncertainty.

18. Always be too hot or always be too cold?

Extreme temperatures are miserable, but which one is easier to tolerate? Some prefer bundling up, while others can’t stand freezing weather.

19. Be remembered for something embarrassing or be completely forgotten after you die?

Would it be better to leave a lasting impression, even if it’s embarrassing, or to disappear from history altogether?

20. Find out how you will die or when you will die?

Knowing how might cause paranoia, but knowing when could make life feel like a countdown. Which truth would be easier to live with?

21. Have a rewind button for one decision in your life or a fast-forward button to see your future?

Some would love the chance to fix one mistake, while others would rather get a sneak peek at what’s ahead. Which is more tempting?

22. Be able to talk to animals or speak every human language fluently?

Understanding animals could be fascinating, but knowing every language could open the world. Which ability would be more useful?

23. Be trapped in your favorite movie or your favorite book?

Both offer incredible experiences, but books often dive deeper into emotions and details. Which world would you rather live in?

24. Never feel pain again or never feel fear again?

Pain is temporary but teaches lessons, while fear can hold people back. Which emotion would you rather eliminate?

25. Always know when someone is lying or always get away with lying?

One could protect you from being deceived, while the other could make life much easier. Which skill is more valuable?

26. Live a simple, happy life with no adventure or an exciting life full of risks and uncertainty?

Some crave stability, while others need adventure. Which life feels more fulfilling?

27. Lose all of your memories or never be able to make new ones?

A tough choice between holding onto the past or being able to move forward. Which loss is more devastating?

28. Be a leader in a high-pressure role or be a follower with no responsibility?

Leadership comes with stress, but following means giving up control. Which role suits you better?

29. Have the ability to erase your own bad memories or erase someone else’s memories of you?

Some memories can haunt you, but sometimes, people wish others could forget things they did. Which would you rather control?

30. Live in a world where nobody lies or a world where nobody gets offended?

Honesty would be refreshing, but a world without offense might mean more peace. Which would make life better?

31. Only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?

A funny but tough choice. Whispering could be frustrating, but shouting might be even worse.

32. Never be able to laugh again or never be able to cry again?

Laughter brings joy, but crying can be healing. Which would be harder to give up?

33. Have an unlimited supply of money but always feel lonely or be surrounded by love but struggle financially?

Would you prioritize emotional fulfillment or financial stability?

34. Be famous for something bad or be completely unknown?

Would you rather be remembered for something negative or be forgotten entirely?

35. Be able to relive one day of your life forever or experience a new, unknown day every time you wake up?

Security and comfort or the thrill of the unknown?

36. Have the ability to see everyone’s past or see their future?

Would knowing where people came from be more valuable than knowing where they are going?

37. Live without the ability to feel love or live without the ability to feel joy?

Love brings deep connections, but joy makes life worth living. Which loss would be harder?

38. Have an easy job that bores you or a difficult job that excites you?

Is comfort more important than passion?

39. Be stuck in a room with your worst enemy for a year or be completely alone for a year?

Would having company, even from someone you hate, be better than complete isolation?

40. Never age physically or never age mentally?

Would you rather stay young forever or keep a sharp mind for life?

41. Be able to hear people’s thoughts but never turn it off or have everyone hear your thoughts at random times?

Both sound exhausting, but which one would be more manageable?

42. Lose your sight or lose your hearing?

A heartbreaking choice between two essential senses. Which one could you live without?

43. Have a perfect body but never be able to eat your favorite food again or eat whatever you want but never be in shape?

Is fitness worth the sacrifice of favorite meals?

44. Always be five minutes late or always be 30 minutes early?

Being late can be stressful, but always being too early can be frustrating. Which is worse?

45. Live in a world with no crime but no freedom or total freedom but with constant danger?

Would safety be worth sacrificing personal choice?

FAQ: This or That Questions for Friends

What are This or That questions?

How do you play This or That with friends?

Can This or That questions be deep and meaningful?

What are some fun ways to use This or That questions?

That’s a Wrap!

And there you have it—plenty of fun, thought-provoking, and sometimes impossible choices to throw at your friends. Whether you used these to break the ice or stir up some friendly debates, the best part is seeing how everyone thinks differently. So next time the conversation needs a little boost, you know exactly what to do!

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